Gosh. If you think it's an easy job to rear a dog. Think twice. (or maybe triple your thinking)
one thing. Cleaning dogs' poop.
It's not an easy job.

It's the most hectic job ever.
Especially dogs with a "bad digestive system". (watery poops)
arghh...!! Training is the only way to cure the problem.
But one thing. TIME. I'm not that free training 3 of my super hyper dogs.
It's like a mission impossible for them to be quiet.
Just went on YouTube and searched for - obedient dogs poop
this is what I found interesting about.
Copraphagia (a.k.a. eating poo) brilliant.
just hope that my female dog (a.k.a. bitch) could eat up all those poop.
GOSH. I will then be crowning her as my queen.
I'm so evil. Bwahaha.
Anywayz. Just hope that in a few years time.

Or else I'll be suffering dogs' poop for the REST OF MY LIFE.